
Primary Benefits

The Strikeback Pro 3.0 in conjunction with the comprehensive Strikeback Training System can dramatically improve a wide range of soccer related skills. One of the main reasons for this is the shear number of repetitions possible when training with a tethered ball. On average, you can increase the number of touch per training session 10-20 fold. By dramatically increase the number of touches, learning is greatly accelerated.

The Strikeback Pro 3.0 in conjunction with the comprehensive Strikeback Training System can dramatically improve a wide range of soccer related skills. One of the main reasons for this is the shear number of repetitions possible when training with a tethered ball. On average, you can increase the number of touch per training session 10-20 fold. By dramatically increase the number of touches, learning is greatly accelerated.

Accelerated Learning

The Strikeback Training System optimizes this area of the curve by enabling the user to perform a large number of repetition in a short amount of time and by progressing skills in the correct sequence to maximize learning. Below are some of the primary areas that Strikeback Training System works on.

The Strikeback Training System optimizes this area of the curve by enabling the user to perform a large number of repetition in a short amount of time and by progressing skills in the correct sequence to maximize learning. Below are some of the primary areas that Strikeback Training System works on.

Improved Spatial Awareness

Practicing with the Strikeback Pro rapidly improves your spatial awareness via the large number of touches capable with a tethered training ball. At the beginning your zone of control may be small but as you practice it will increase. Eventually you will be able to make contact with the ball from almost any angle.

Practicing with the Strikeback Pro rapidly improves your spatial awareness via the large number of touches capable with a tethered training ball. At the beginning your zone of control may be small but as you practice it will increase. Eventually you will be able to make contact with the ball from almost any angle.

Increased Control & Accuracy

Especially when first learning to use the Strikeback Pro, you will notice a massive improvement in control and accuracy. Two main factors combine to force your body to become more precise. First, the smaller size ball means you have less margin for error. Secondly, you have to hit the ball perfectly in order to keep it under control and coming back to you each time.

Especially when first learning to use the Strikeback Pro, you will notice a massive improvement in control and accuracy. Two main factors combine to force your body to become more precise. First, the smaller size ball means you have less margin for error. Secondly, you have to hit the ball perfectly in order to keep it under control and coming back to you each time.

Improved Foot Speed & Ball Handling

Once you become skilled with the Strikeback Pro you will be able to perform high speed drills that require quick shifts in weight and a high degree of accuracy. These two training effects can have a huge impact on ball handling as well as foot speed.

Once you become skilled with the Strikeback Pro you will be able to perform high speed drills that require quick shifts in weight and a high degree of accuracy. These two training effects can have a huge impact on ball handling as well as foot speed.

Bilateral Symmetry

The Strikeback Pro 3.0 is ideal for improving coordination of your non-dominant foot. The ability to start with very simple movements and progress gradually, combined with high repetitions allows for fast improvement of your non-dominant side. The ability to be equally proficient on either side of your body is a major factor of success in almost every sport.

The Strikeback Pro 3.0 is ideal for improving coordination of your non-dominant foot. The ability to start with very simple movements and progress gradually, combined with high repetitions allows for fast improvement of your non-dominant side.

Secondary Benefits

The primary benefits will spill over into almost every aspect of your game. Helping you develop into the complete player you envision. Below are other skills were you can expect to see a cross-training effect.

The primary benefits will spill over into almost every aspect of your game. Helping you develop into the complete player you envision.




Head Control


Flicks & Tricks

Receive a Free Training Video when you purchase a Strikeback Pro 3.0. 

The free lessons will teach you multiple exercises to get started on the path to unlocking your true potential.